Atualização dos casos de coronavírus em Guaratinguetá – 20/06/2020


Os casos confirmados e descartados não estão mais inclusos na contabilidade dos casos suspeitos.

Divulgamos georreferenciamento os casos de Covid-19 em nosso município.

Casos confirmados (de Guaratinguetá): 108
Em Domicílio: 48
UTI: 00
Enfermaria: 03
Óbitos Confirmados: 04
Recuperados: 53

Total de suspeitos: 80
Em domicílio: 69
Enfermaria: 07
UTI: 02
Óbitos aguardando Resultados: 02
Descartados (desde o início): 206

Realizados: 110
Positivos: 48
Negativos: 62

You are definitely going to have the capability to polish your writing here. Skimming through the daily newspapers might help in boosting your writing abilities too. The capacity to write in an all- normal, assured”voice” is among the main abilities which you may develop as a pupil, and one which will pay tremendous dividends during your educational career and beyond.

Inside my view, understanding the best way to write well is most probably one of the leading skills it’s possible to discover that may allow you to access it better in every facet of your essay writer, jointly with enhancing your opportunities to make money.

Like every kind of writing, it demands moment to be produced. Additionally, I wanted to begin writing on the web jointly with in additional sites. Possibly you struggle to discover how composing lessons may possibly be met in to your own everyday agenda. You’ll get ideas as you begin composing.

Everything that you just study does not need to be added for your own essay. It’s just as important to place individual viewpoints within the essay as an alternative to immediately using vague content. For yet another, it seems like you did not take some time to do that modest added studying to come up with some added suggestions to make this a truly excellent essay.

Feminino: 54
Masculino: 54

00 a 10 anos: 02
11 a 20 anos: 08
21 a 30 anos: 15
31 a 40 anos: 30
41 a 50 anos: 19
51 a 60 anos: 16
61 a 70 anos: 10
71 a 80 anos: 07
81 ou mais: 03

Em caso de suspeita, entre em contato pelos números: (12) 3123-2900 ou pelo Zap Saúde: (12) 98193-1534.

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